Iliana Demetriou

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New Ways of Being & The Art of Outgrowing

© Iliana Demetriou

Priorities change while our internal focus shifts

We never become old news but we rather alter our direction; one that we see fit in re-creating our own path-intended, nurturing vessels to consolidate our unique blueprint. I emphasize the word internal for self-development as a realised internalism can give & receive without the need to boast or become impulsive.

Self-nurturing happens between and during conscious acts of identifying & rewriting our own patterns; a process that could take a lifetime. In every moment, we first nurture ourselves before we can nurture the other.

I’ve been reminiscing for the past few months, still am. Recent devastating global events outside of myself have been a personal trigger. Challenging aspects interrelated on a physical and emotional state, have been constantly kicking me out of my comfort zone, I admit that at times I find myself resisting the inevitable, only making things harder. Matters I used to having spend my energy on, now fleet. False and outgrown ideas are dissolving into sand. Anxiety appears as I try to grab onto some context to sit in comfortably, all repeatedly, resulting into failure.

Being stripped away from all past and symbolic context, in the moments spend whilst seeding the seed I go through a constant removal of myself from myself.

In a closer sense, it feels like i’m (out)growing, re-creating and re-organising my system. Mainly prioritizing a new set-built of ideals for a better self. Intuitively and methodically opening myself up to a new vessel.